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How to use a filter

Learn how to use listing filters to refine your listing search

Video Instructions

Video instructions coming soon…

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Go to the Browse tab.

If the Browse tab icon in the lower-left corner of your screen is not highlighted in purple, you are on a different tab. Tap the Browse tab icon to switch tabs.

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2. Tap the Filter button.

The Filter button is at the upper-left corner of your screen. Tap it to open the Filters screen.

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3. Adjust the filters.

Touch the screen and slide your finger upwards or downwards on the Filters screen (1) to find a filter of your liking.

For instance, you can choose the Ownership filter. To remove a specific ownership option from your search results, tap it to disable (2).

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Filters in the FEED TYPE, STATUS, and TRANSACTION TYPE sections are pill-shaped. When a filter is active, its background is filled. When it's not active, its background remains hollow.

4. Tap the Done button.

The Done button is at the upper-right corner of your screen. Tap it to close the Filters sheet and go back to the Browse tab to continue browsing listings.

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Learn how to save your current listing search with filters already in place


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