Search by your current location
- Tapping the blue location icon will bring up the property in front of you. See this article for more on how to do this.

Search for any address
- Put the unit number first, then the street number and name; i.e. 3708 2230 Lake….
Note: Search results may vary in some cases due to the spelling and abbreviations of cardinal directions and street, avenue or boulevard in the listing’s address. (See below)

- Get more accurate results the less you type… the less specific you are, the more options it can suggest, such as overcoming misspelled street names and addresses with incorrect or missing information, i.e. Lakeshore, Lake Shore, Lakeshore W, Lakeshore West, Lakeshore Blvd, Lakeshore Road E, Lakeshore Rd
- Believe it or not, these are all the same listing but not all MLS®es do “address normalization” so the system thinks these are all different listings.
- When addresses are input differently, by each agent or admin, the entire history of the property are not included on the listings Property history section of the Property Details Page.
- See how little I typed in the search bar? (see yellow circle) And, it brought up all the results for the same listing. This is a problem that the MLS® will solve (and many MLS®es already have).
- When you look at a listings ‘Property History’ on the Property Details Page - make sure you return to the Browse page and search again to ensure you didn’t miss any, like the ones above, to make sure you’re not missing property results. For example, although these are all the same listing they are not all listed on the individual listing’s property history. (This how the information comes from the MLS® and we cannot change it).
- Note: This is an issue we are currently helping MLS®es solve with our work at the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) on the Universal Property Identifier (UPI).
Results can be an exact listing match or a geographic Location
- Notice that the title “Listings” show exact listing matches for a search. In this case, the results being returned are listings with the street name ‘Mississauga Road’.
- These are identified by the square, newspaper looking icon to the right
- This will take you to this EXACT listing on any of the views (Card, Map, List)

Exact Listing Match Icon
- Notice that the title “Locations” identifies geographic areas. In this case, the results being returned are listings with the geographic area of ‘Mississauga Road’.
- The results will include listings NEAR this address but will not be the exact address you may have typed in the search bar. Again, this is because it’s returning a geographic location.
- This type of search result is identified by a purple location pin like this:

Location Match Icon
Example: 13 Hugo Ave
Listings Search Match
- If you tap the choice with newspaper icon (Exact Listing Search) - it will return ignore your filters and return the exact listing that is
- 13 Hugo Ave
- So, the results will show a listing that is, 13 Hugo Ave
Geographic Search Match
- If you tap the choice with the purple Pin (Geographic Search)- it will return choices, matching your current filters, that are:
- Near 13 Hugo Ave So, the results may show a listing that is not, 13 Hugo Ave
See Video example of 13 Hugo
Below is an example of wanting to find a city, like “Mississauga”. In this case the Listings matches may or may not be appropriate. For example, you might want “Mississauga” the city and get listings near “Mississauga Road”.
- Now you know you can tap the Listing or the Geographic Location.

Search for a Point of Interest
- Searching by a specific point of interest will help you location homes for purchase or rent nearby the search term. For example, the terms below will result in pinning the “dog park” to the centre of the map and show homes radiating outwards from the centre search point. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Dog Park
- French Immersion School
- Subway
- Bloor & Yonge (main intersection)
- etc.
Search for a specific MLS® number
- Copy and paste an MLS® number that someone sent you, or from another app, into Listed.
- To copy an MLS® number from Listed just “long press” on the element you want to copy
Recent Searches
- It can be so nice to go back to the search bar, tap in it, and see your Recent Searches listed
- If you have a term you searched for a day or two ago, and can’t remember what it was, you can always go back here to find it under Recent Searches

Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Tap with your finger in the search bar on the Browse tab
- From the Browse tab, tap the search field, then type an address, MLS® number or other search term
- Tap one of the results, or
- Tap on the Search button on your keyboard to get results
Filter Search Results
Tap on the Filter button on the left, underneath the search field to access all filters.
Tap on the Done button to apply filters or tap on the Reset to default filters button to reset the search to default.
Alternatively, tap on one of the filter buttons underneath the search field to narrow down your search. Swipe horizontally to see more buttons. A vertical dashed line separates active and inactive filter options.

Sort Search Results
Tap on the Sort button on the left, underneath the search field to see custom sorting order. You can sort by publication age (newest or oldest), pricing (lowest or highest) and by distance (nearest) which is the default sort.
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