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How to open your list of Saved Listing Searches from the Lists tab

Learn how to access all Saved Listing Searches quickly from your lists

This article is for iPhone users. Are you using an Android phone? Read the Android version of the article

Video Instructions

Video instructions coming soon…

Step-by-Step Instructions

Make sure to have the latest update of Listed on your device. Learn how to update the Listed app here.

1. Go to the Lists tab.

If the Lists tab icon in the bottom of your screen is not highlighted in purple, you are on a different tab. Tap the Lists tab icon to switch tabs.

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2. Tap “Saved Searches”.

At the top of your screen and as the second list, you'll find Saved Searches. It includes map previews of all your Saved Listing Searches. Tap it to open your list of Saved Listing Searches.

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How do I create a Saved Listing Search in the first place? Learn how to do that here.

Learn about more ways to access your list of Saved Listing Searches


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